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Colorado mining officials approve secret plan to drill 23 exploratory wells in Weld County

Powertech refuses request to waive confidentiality

Updated August 27, 2007, Updated October 24, 2007


NOTE:  This page has been modified in response to the written threat of a defamation lawsuit from Powertech Uranium Corporation by adding the following explanatory language:


Sometime in June 2007, the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board and the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DRMS) approved and issued a Notice of Intent to Conduct Prospecting Operations (NOI) to Powertech.  Repeated requests submitted to the DRMS under the Colorado Open Records Act for information pertaining to the NOI were denied.  Colorado law prohibits the release of any information or documents related to a NOI, including even whether a NOI has been issued.  On June 27, 2007, Powertech's public relations firm issued a press release announcing the NOI, and included very limited details of the plan, including only the number of wells, their intended purpose, and a rough timeline for drilling.  Information of vital importance to landowners was withheld, including criteria for permit issuance, well locations, borehole depths, aquifers penetrated, specific operations performed at each well, plugging and capping requirements, and drilling contractor qualifications.  Powertech failed to respond to landowner requests to waive confidentiality regarding the NOI, as allowed for under state law.  Until Powertech agrees to the release of the information above, it is entirely appropriate to characterize the plan as "secret".  JW     


Colorado regulator approves additional monitor wells for Powertech

News Release - Peter Webb Public Relations, Inc. - June 27, 2007


Notice of Intent to Conduct Prospecting Operations for Hard Rock/Metal Mines - Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (pdf)


Letter from affected landowners to Richard Clement, Powertech CEO, asking Powertech to waive confidentiality with respect to prospecting/exploration drilling - May 20, 2007


Email from Dave McElhaney, Chief - Geotechnical Services Branch, Colorado Division of Water Resources, to property owner regarding drilling activities by Davis Drilling from Gillette, Wyoming - July 18, 2007