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May 20, 2007


Powertech Uranium Corporation

1205-789 West Pender St
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6C 1H2


Attention: Richard Clement, Jr.


Dear Richard:


The Coloradoans Against Resource Destruction have been told by Lane Douglas that Powertech intends to obtain prospecting permits for various sections in the State of Colorado. 


According to The Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety’s Mineral Rules and Regulations, Rule 5: Prospecting Operations, 5.2 Confidentiality, 113(3) 5.2.1 Preconditions for Release of Confidential NOI Information, a Prospector can waive their confidentiality rights. 


As a show of your good faith, honesty and integrity, we are requesting that Powertech submit a written release waiving all prospecting confidential information effective immediately. 


We would appreciate your response to our request by May 30, 2007.  You can submit your response to:  Coloradoans Against Resource Destruction, P.O. Box 421, Nunn, CO  80648. 






(Landowner names omitted to protect their privacy)