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House Bill 1161 to be amended

Amendments to be heard at tomorrow's committee meeting

Posted February 5, 2008



The Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources Committee of the Colorado House of Representatives will consider amendments to House Bill 1161 at its 1:30 PM meeting tomorrow, February 6, at the Capitol.  The bill with amendments highlighted is here:


House Bill 08-1161 - Unofficial Preamended Version


It was reported that Powertech and Colorado Mining Association officials met today with Representatives Randy Fischer and John Kefalas to discuss the bill and offer amendments.  According to published reports, Powertech executives oppose the bill and believe existing Colorado mining laws and regulations are adequate. 


Unlike Texas and Wyoming, two states that have had extensive experience with in situ leach uranium mining, Colorado mining and environmental regulations simply do not address in situ uranium mining and aquifer restoration.  The effort by Fischer and Kefalas to introduce reasonable guidelines for ISL mining should be supported by Powertech officials, who have repeatedly insisted that area residents have nothing to fear since, according to them, the industry has a near-perfect record of cleaning up ISL uranium mines.





Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials From Uranium Mining - Appendix III. Occupational and Public Risks Associated with In-Situ Leaching

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - August 2007 (pdf)


Colorado lawmakers introduce bill requiring in situ uranium miners to prove aquifers will be restored to pre-mining conditions


Mining officials meet with local reps

Northern Colorado Business Report - February 5, 2008 


Can the Energy and Recreation Industries Find Common Ground? - K.C. Mason
Telluride Watch - February 1, 2008 


An Environmental Critique of In Situ Leach Mining: The Case Against Uranium Solution Mining - Gavin Mudd - July 1998 (pdf)


Consideration of Geochemical Issues in Groundwater Restoration at Uranium In-Situ Leach Mining Facilities - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and U.S. Geological Survey - January 2007 (pdf)