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Location, Location, Location



Powertech Uranium Corp. proposes to mine uranium a short distance from a major population center in Northern Colorado.  Below I show the proximity of the proposed mining area to towns, water bodies, and various other facilities. Measurements are taken from the closest section (square mile) slated for mining.



Fort Collins city limits 6 miles
Old Town Plaza - Fort Collins 11 miles
Fort Collins Soccer Club Complex (outdoor fields) 6 miles
Cobb Lake 4 miles
Colorado State University Agricultural Research, Development and Education Center 5 miles
Anheuser Busch Brewery 6 miles
Black Hollow Reservoir 2 miles
Fort Collins Country Club and golf course 8 miles
Long Pond 8 miles
Lindenmeier Lake 9 miles
Proposed Cactus Hill Reservoir 1 mile
Town of Timnath's Growth Management Area 4 miles
Town of Nunn's Growth Management Area mine sites are within GMA
Town of Nunn boundary 2 miles
Town of Wellington's Growth Management Area 2 miles