Texas in-situ leach uranium mines failed to restore ground water to premining condition
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission agendas from 1990s reveal that relaxing water cleanup standards is routine
Posted September 7, 2008
CONTESTED AGENDA Wednesday, January 13, 1999 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. 12100 Park 35 Circle Room 201S, Bldg. E Hearing Request Item 1. Docket No. 98-1401-UIC. URI, Inc. for renewal and amendment of Underground Injection Control (UIC) Permit No. WDW-250, which authorizes disposal of waste from the Rosita in situ uranium mining operation (Permit No. UR02880-001). The waste will include lixiviant bleed stream, lab and production waste stream, reverse osmosis brine stream, and restoration wastewater. The well is at the Rosita Uranium Project in Duval County approximately 12 miles west of San Diego, north of Highway 44. The Commission will consider the application and the hearing requests filed on the application. (Patti Hershey/John Santos) TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION December 18, 1998 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE Item 17. USX - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for a production area authorization (PAA) restoration table amendment (RTA) to Burns/Moser Mine Production Area Number 2, Authorization Number UR01890-021, which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 2. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, nitrate, alkalinity, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, uranium, and ammonia. Furthermore, a restoration table concentration value for radium has been added to complete the restoration table in the original PAA issued for Production Area Number 2 on October 12, 1982. The concentrations of ground-water constituents to be met by the permittee are defined in the PAA restoration table, found in Attachment A of the PAA. The base permit for the Burns/Moser Mine, UR01890-001, was issued to define the rules and procedures under which the permittee was to conduct and conclude mining operations, and to outline the area owned or under lease by the permittee, which may include buffer areas, mine areas, and production areas. A PAA is a document, issued by the TNRCC under the terms of an injection well permit, approving the initiation of mining activities in a specified production area within a permit area. Uranium mining took place at Burns/Moser Mine Production Area Number 2 from May 1979 to June 1986, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 1.633 billion gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values. The Executive Director has prepared a final draft PAA to address USX's RTA request. The Burns/Moser Mine site lies in the south central portion of Live Oak County, approximately ten miles southwest of George West, Texas adjacent to U.S. Highway 59. Item 18. USX - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for a production area authorization (PAA) restoration table amendment (RTA) to Burns/Moser Mine Production Area Number 3, Authorization Number UR01890-031, which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 3. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, arsenic, iron, manganese, and uranium. The concentrations of ground-water constituents to be met by the permittee are defined in the PAA restoration table, found in Attachment A of the PAA. The base permit for the Burns/Moser Mine, UR01890-001, was issued to define the rules and procedures under which the permittee was to conduct and conclude mining operations, and to outline the area owned or under lease by the permittee, which may include buffer areas, mine areas, and production areas. A PAA is a document, issued by the TNRCC under the terms of an injection well permit, approving the initiation of mining activities in a specified production area within a permit area. Uranium mining took place at Burns/Moser Mine Production Area Number 3 from March 1980 to June 1986, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 409.85 million gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values. The Executive Director has prepared a final draft PAA to address USX's RTA request. The Burns/Moser Mine site lies in the south central portion of Live Oak County, approximately ten miles southwest of George West,Texas adjacent to U.S. Highway 59. SIGNED DECEMBER 18, 1998 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION December 11, 1998 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE Item 23. USX Corporation - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for modification to Production Area Authorization (PAA) UR01890-011, Burns/Moser mine. A PAA is issued as part of the base permit (UR01890-001) to approve the initiation of mining activities. A PAA application contains monitor well locations, water quality data based on pre-mining conditions for use in establishing groundwater restoration targets, and hydrologic test data that shows connection between production wells and production zone monitor wells. The permit and PAA 1 were issued and mining began in 1980. Mining continued until 1986. Restoration, using groundwater sweep and reverse osmosis, was from 1981 to 1997. USX is requesting amendment of the restoration table under 30 TAC §331.107(f)(2). The proposed amendment would change restoration table values specifying groundwater constituent concentrations for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, arsenic, iron, manganese, selenium, ammonia, molybdenum, radium-226, uranium. These values are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the mined aquifer in PAA 1. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. The average water quality present before mining exceeded the TNRCC and EPA primary drinking water standard for radium-226. Before mining commenced, the water in the production area was used for rural domestic, livestock, and industrial purposes.The Burns/Moser site is in Live Oak County approximately ten miles southwest of George West, west of U.S. Highway 59 in the Jacob Cook Survey 171, A-142 and Wesley Sellman Survey 60, A-416. The facility is an in situ uranium mine in the Lower Oakville Formation, 250 to 400 feet below the surface. SIGNED DECEMBER 11, 1998 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION December 4, 1998 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE Item 17. USX Corporation - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for modification to Production Area Authorization (PAA) UR01890-041, Burns/Moser mine. A PAA is issued as part of the base permit (UR01890-001) to approve the initiation of mining activities. A PAA application contains monitor well locations, water quality data based on pre- mining conditions for use in establishing groundwater restoration targets, and hydrologic test data that shows connection between production wells and production zone monitor wells. The permit and PAA 4 were issued and mining began in 1986. Mining continued until 1987. Restoration, using groundwater sweep and reverse osmosis, was from 1987 to 1997. USX is requesting amendment of the restoration table under 30 TAC §331.107(f)(2). The proposed amendment would change restoration table values specifying groundwater constituent concentrations for arsenic, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, potassium, alkalinity, ammonia, chloride, conductivity, sulfate, TDS, radium 226, uranium. These values are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the mined aquifer in PAA 4. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. The average water quality present before mining exceeded the TNRCC and EPA primary drinking water standard for radium-226. The Burns/Moser site is in Live Oak County approximately ten miles southwest of George West, west of U.S. Highway 59 in the Jacob Cook Survey 171, A-142 and Wesley Sellman Survey 60, A-416. The facility is an in situ uranium mine in the Lower Oakville Formation, 230 to 280 feet below the surface. SIGNED DECEMBER 4, 1998 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION November 6, 1998 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS Item 22. URI, Inc. for an Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit (UR03055-001) for in situ uranium mining (solution mining); two waste disposal well permits (WDW-336 and WDW-337) to dispose of nonhazardous wastewater generated at the site; and a production area authorization (PAA) (URO3055-011) to mine within production area one. The Executive Director declared the area permit application/PAA application administratively complete on October 31, 1996 and the WDW applications administratively complete on February 5, 1997. Draft permits and a draft PAA have been prepared. The proposed uranium mining operation, called the Alta Mesa Project, is in Brooks County approximately 23 miles south-southwest of Falfurrias, and approximately 13 miles west of the intersection of U.S. Highway 281 and Ranch to Market Road 755 in the Rafael G. Salinas Survey, A-480. SIGNED NOVMBER 6, 1998 TNRCC Items for Executive Director Signature 30 October 1998 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION October 30, 1998 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS Item 30. COGEMA Mining, Inc. (COGEMA) for a restoration table amendment of a Production Area Authorization (PAA) for Holiday Mine Production Area 6 (also known as Grid 6), Permit Number UR02156-061 which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 6. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate, alkalinity, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, uranium, and radium-226. The concentrations of ground-water constituents to be met by the permittee are defined in the PAA restoration table, found in Attachment A of said permit. The base permit for the O'Hern Mine, UR02156-001, was issued to define the rules and procedures under which the permittee was to conduct and conclude mining operations, and to outline the area owned or under lease by the permittee, which may include buffer areas, mine areas, and production areas. A PAA is a document, issued by the TNRCC under the terms of an injection well permit, approving the initiation of mining activities in a specified production area within a permit area. The Holiday Mine 6 lies in Duval County, approximately 5 miles east of Bruni. Mining was begun in August 1992 and ended in September 1995, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 396 million gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values. The Executive Director has prepared a final draft PAA to address Cogema's request. Item 31. COGEMA Mining, Inc. (COGEMA) for a restoration table amendment of a Production Area Authorization (PAA) for O'Hern Mine Production Area 4 (also known as Grid 4), Permit Number UR01941-041 which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined and shallow aquifers in PAA 4. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, sodium, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, TDS, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, uranium, ammonia and boron. The concentrations of ground-water constituents to be met by the permittee are defined in the PAA restoration table, found in Attachment A of said permit. The base permit for the O'Hern Mine, UR01941-001, was issued to define the rules and procedures under which the permittee was to conduct and conclude mining operations, and to outline the area owned or under lease by the permittee, which may include buffer areas, mine areas, and production areas. A PAA is a document, issued by the TNRCC under the terms of an injection well permit, approving the initiation of mining activities in a specified production area within a permit area.The O'Hern Mine 4 lies in Webb County, approximately 4 miles east of Bruni. Mining was begun in January 1979 and ended in February 1990, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing and shallow aquifers began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 155 million gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values. The Executive Director has prepared a final draft PAA to address Cogema's request. SIGNED OCTOBER 30, 1998 TNRCC Items for Executive Director Signature 18 September 1998 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 18, 1998 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS Item 23. USX Corporation - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for a modification to Production Area Authorization (PAA) UR02130-011, Clay West mine. A PAA is issued as part of the base permit (UR02130-001) to approve the initiation of mining activities in Production Area 1 within the permit area. The PAA application contains monitor well locations, water quality data based on pre-mining conditions for use in establishing groundwater restoration targets, and hydrologic test data that shows connection between production wells and production zone monitor wells. The permit and PAA were issued and mining began in December 1977. Mining continued until February 1984. Restoration, using ground-water sweep and reverse osmosis, was from March 1981 to May 1997. USX is requesting amendment of the restoration table under 30 TAC §331.107(f)(2). The proposed amendment would change restoration table values specifying groundwater constituent concentrations for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, arsenic, iron, manganese, selenium, ammonia, molybdenum, radium-226, and uranium, which are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of this site's mined aquifer in PAA 1. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. The average water quality present before mining exceeded the TNRCC and EPA primary drinking water standard for radium-226. Before mining commenced, the water in the production area was used for rural domestic, livestock, and industrial purposes. The Clay West site is in Live Oak County approximately eight miles southwest of George West, west of U.S. Highway 59 in the J. Poitevent Survey 67, H. and G.N. R.R. Survey 69, and H. and G.N. R.R. Survey 71. The facility is an in situ uranium mine in the Lower Oakville Formation, at 250 to 400 feet below the surface, undergoing groundwater restoration. SIGNED SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 4, 1998 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE Item 27. COGEMA Mining, Incorporated (COMIN) for a production area authorization (PAA) restoration table amendment (RTA) to O'Hern Mine Production Area Number 1 (also known as Grid 1), Permit Number UR01941-011, which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee (COMIN) to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 1. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, carbonate, sulfate, molybdenum, and uranium. The concentrations of ground-water constituents to be met by the permittee are defined in the PAA restoration table, found in Attachment A of said permit. The base permit for the O'Hern Mine, UR01941-001, was issued to define the rules and procedures under which the permittee was to conduct and conclude mining operations, and to outline the area owned or under lease by the permittee, which may include buffer areas, mine areas, and production areas. A PAA is a document, issued by the TNRCC under the terms of an injection well permit, approving the initiation of mining activities in a specified production area within a permit area. Uranium mining took place at the O'Hern Mine Production Area Number 1 from November 1975 to September 1990, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 129 million gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values. The Executive Director has prepared a final draft PAA to address COMIN's RTA request. The O'Hern Project site lies in both Duval and Webb counties, straddling the southern portion of the common Duval/Webb county line, approximately 3 miles east of Bruni, Webb County, approximately 10 miles northwest of Hebbronville, Jim Hogg County, and approximately 45 miles east-southeast of Laredo, Webb County. PAA Number 1 (Grid 1) lies entirely within Webb County. SIGNED SEPTEMBER 4, 1998 Item 29. USX - Texas Uranium Operations (USX) for a production area authorization (PAA) restoration table amendment (RTA) to Boots/Brown Mine Production Area Number 1, Permit Number UR02154-011, which would change ground-water constituent concentrations that are to be met by the permittee (USX) to achieve successful restoration of the site's mined aquifer in PAA 1. The proposed amendment would change restoration table concentration values for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, fluoride, alkalinity, iron, selenium, ammonia, molybdenum, and radium-226. The concentrations of ground-water constituents to be met by the permittee are defined in the PAA restoration table, found in Attachment A of said permit. The base permit for the Boots/Brown Mine, UR02154-001, was issued to define the rules and procedures under which the permittee was to conduct and conclude mining operations, and to outline the area owned or under lease by the permittee, which may include buffer areas, mine areas, and production areas. A PAA is a document, issued by the TNRCC under the terms of an injection well permit, approving the initiation of mining activities in a specified production area within a permit area. Uranium mining took place at Boots/Brown Mine Production Area Number 1 from May 1978 to July 1987, after which ground-water restoration of the ore-bearing aquifer began. Since restoration efforts were initiated, approximately 1.70 billion gallons of aquifer water have been removed during the restoration process. Under 30 Texas Administrative Code §331.107(f), the permittee has the option to request an amendment to the PAA Restoration Table, provided that, among other things, an appropriate effort has been made to achieve the permit restoration table values. The Executive Director has prepared a final draft PAA to address USX's RTA request. The Boots/Brown Mine site lies in the western central portion of Live Oak County, approximately eight miles southwest of George West,Texas on FM 889. SIGNED SEPTEMBER 4, 1998 Wednesday, January 21, 1998 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12100 Park 35 Circle Item carried forward from Agenda of December 17, 1997. Item 1. Docket NO. 97-1063-UIC. URI, INC. for a third production area authorization for the Kingsville Dome Mine Site under existing Permit No. UR02827-001. The proposed production area authorization number is UR02827-031. The Kingsville Dome site is located adjacent to Farm Road 1118 in Kleberg County, Texas, approximately 8 miles southeast of Kingsville and 5 miles east of Ricardo. The authorization would allow injection into specified zones for the purpose of uranium production. The production zone is the Goliad formation at a depth of 420 feet to 810 feet. The Commission will consider the application and the hearing requests filed on the application. (Patti Hershey/Ben Knape) Deny Motion for Oral Argument, BM/JB. Deny Hearing Request and Issue the third Production Area Authorization, RM/JB. All Commissioners Agree Wednesday, December 17, 1997 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12100 Park 35 Circle Item 2. Docket NO. 97-1063-UIC. URI, INC. for a third production area authorization for the Kingsville Dome Mine Site under existing Permit No. UR02827-001. The proposed production area authorization number is UR02827-031. The Kingsville Dome site is located adjacent to Farm Road 1118 in Kleberg County, Texas, approximately 8 miles southeast of Kingsville and 5 miles east of Ricardo. The authorization would allow injection into specified zones for the purpose of uranium production. The production zone is the Goliad formation at a depth of 420 feet to 810 feet. The Commission will consider the application and the hearing requests filed on the application. (Patti Hershey/Ben Knape) Continued to Jan 21, 1998, ADR convene a meeting to work with all parties, BM/RM. All Commissioners Agree. Wednesday, June 25, 1997 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12100 N. Interstate 35 (Hearing Request) Item 2. Docket No. 97-0396-UIC. URI, INC. for a Class III Underground Injection Control Permit (Proposed Permit No. UR03050-001) to authorize in situ uranium mining at its Vasquez Project. The permit area of this site is 841.66 acres and contains one proposed production area of approximately 454 acres. The production zone is approximately 45 to 70 feet thick in the Oakville Sandstone at a depth of 150 feet below land surface and 480 feet below sea level. The mine is located in Duval County on the north side of Highway 359, ten miles south-southeast of Bruni and 50 miles east of Laredo. The Commission will consider the application and the hearing requests that have been filed on the application. Remand to Alternative Dispute Resolution for 4 to 6 weeks, if mediation fails forward to State Office Administrative Hearings, RM/BM. All Commissioners Agree Wednesday, February 19, 1997 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12100 Park 35 Circle Item 5. Docket No. 97-0012-IHW. INTERCONTINENTAL ENERGY CORPORATION (IEC) for an amendment to Production Area Authorization No. 1 (Permit No. UR02108-011) at the Zamzow Mine Site. The proposed amendment would change restoration values for sodium, bicarbonate, pH, alkalinity, arsenic, ammonia, uranium, molybdenum, and radium-226. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. The water will remain suitable for this use with the proposed values. The Zamzow Project is located in Live Oak County, Texas, approximately eight miles east of the Three Rivers and 65 miles northwest of Corpus Christi. The production zone is in the Oakville sand at a depth of 35 to 225 feet or approximately 65 to 130 feet below mean sea level. The Commission will consider the application and hearing requests that have been filed on the application. (Sharon Smith/John Clegg) Grant Hearing Request and Remand to Alternative Dispute Resolution and if Mediation fails forward to State Office Administrative Hearings, BM/RM. All Commissioners Agree TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION JUNE 21, 1996 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE Item 17. USX CORPORATION for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 011 under existing Permit No. UR02368-011 (Pawlik Mine Site). The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, sulfate, fluoride, alkalinity, lead, manganese, molybdenum, and uranium. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. The water will remain suitable for this use with the proposed values. The Executive Director of the Commission has prepared a draft production area authorization which, if approved, would revise the restoration table as described above. USX Corporation has met the following criteria set forth in 30 TAC 331.107(f)(2) for an amendment to restoration table values: a) reasonable efforts have been taken by the company to restore the aquifer; b) the formation water in the aquifer is suitable for any use to which it was suitable prior to mining; and c) further restoration efforts would consume energy, water, or other natural resources of the state without providing a corresponding benefit to the state. The Pawlik site is in Live Oak County, Texas, five miles southwest of George West and approximately 50 miles northwest of Corpus Christi. The production zone is the Lower Oakville Formation at a depth range of approximately 225 to 475 feet. TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION March 8, 1996 ITEMS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE Item 6. EVEREST EXPLORATION, INC. for a minor amendment to Radioactive Material License No. RW3626. The minor amendment would delete the Gruy-7B (Site 002) and Las Palmas (Site 004) Mine Sites from License No. RW3626. The authorized locations for these sites is on the Duval-Jim Hogg county line on agricultural/ranch land near the Town of Hebbronville, Texas. SIGNED MARCH 8, 1996 Wednesday, February 28, 1996 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12118 N. Interstate 35 Item carried forward from Agenda of January 17 and January 24, 1996 and February 14, 1996. Item 1. Docket No. 95-1550-IWD. The Commission will evaluate the motion for rehearing filed concerning the application by Everest Exploration, Inc. for renewal of wastewater discharge permit no. 02945. The permit concerns the Mount Lucas Project, an in-situ uranium mining facility which is currently in the post mining period. The facility is in Live Oak County. On November 22, 1995, the Commission issued an order which denied a request for hearing concerning the application, and approved the draft permit prepared by the Executive Director. Grant Motion for Rehearing and with agreement of all parties Issue Permit as agreed, JB/BM Wednesday, February 14, 1996 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12118 N. Interstate 35 Item carried forward from Agenda of January 17 and January 24, 1996. Item 2. Docket No. 95-1550-IWD. The Commission will evaluate the motion for rehearing filed concerning the application by Everest Exploration, Inc. for renewal of wastewater discharge permit no. 02945. The permit concerns the Mount Lucas Project, an in-situ uranium mining facility which is currently in the post mining period. The facility is in Live Oak County. On November 22, 1995, the Commission issued an order which denied a request for hearing concerning the application, and approved the draft permit prepared by the Executive Director. Continued to February 28, 1996 Wednesday, January 24, 1996 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12118 N. Interstate 35 Item 6. Docket No. 95-1550-IWD. The Commission will evaluate the motion for rehearing filed concerning the application by Everest Exploration, Inc. for renewal of wastewater discharge permit no. 02945. The permit concerns the Mount Lucas Project, an in-situ uranium mining facility which is currently in the post mining period. The facility is in Live Oak County. On November 22, 1995, the Commission issued an order which denied a request for hearing concerning the application, and approved the draft permit prepared by the Executive Director. Remand to Administrative Dispute Resolution, JB/RM Wednesday, January 17, 1996 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12118 N. Interstate 35 Item 36. Docket No. 95-1550-IWD. The Commission will evaluate the motion for rehearing filed concerning the application by Everest Exploration, Inc. for renewal of wastewater discharge permit no. 02945. The permit concerns the Mount Lucas Project, an in-situ uranium mining facility which is currently in the post mining period. The facility is in Live Oak County. On November 22, 1995, the Commission issued an order which denied a request for hearing concerning the application, and approved the draft permit prepared by the Executive Director. Continued to January 24, 1996 and extend time for commission action until February 16, 1996., BM/JB Wednesday, December 6, 1995 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12118 N. Interstate 35 Item carried forward from Agenda of November 16, 1995. Item 7. Docket No. 95-1193-UIC. The Commission will consider motions for rehearing filed on International Energy Corporation, Incorporated. The commission issued amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 1 under existing Permit No. URO2108-01 at its Zamzow insitu uranium mine site on the agenda of September 27, 1995. Grant Motion for Rehearing and remand to SOAH but on a narrow and limited basis as recommended by Chairman and that comments on taking is not to be considered during hearing, BM/JB Thursday, November 16, 1995 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12118 N. Interstate 35 Item 8. Docket No. 95-1550-IWD. APPLICATION BY EVEREST EXPLORATION, INC. for renewal of Permit No. 02945 which authorizes the disposal of wastewater (restoration fluids) effluent at a volume not to exceed 288,000 gallons per day average. The effluent is disposed by spray irrigation on 76 acre tract of 105 total acres of land. Application rates for the irrigated land shall not exceed 1.8 acre-feet/acre/year. No discharge of pollutants into the waters of the State is authorized by this permit. The Mount Lucas Project is an in-situ uranium mining facility. The facility which is currently in the post mining period is required to restore the aquifer to defined conditions. The plant site is approximately 3 miles south of the town of Dinero, Live Oak County, Texas. The Commission will consider the application and requests for hearing which have been filed on the application. Deny Heairng Request and Issue Permit, JB/BM CONTESTED (Motion For Rehearing) Item 47. Docket No. 95-1193-UIC. The Commission will consider motions for rehearing filed on International Energy Corporation, Incorporated. The commission issued amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 1 under existing Permit No. URO2108-01 at its Zamzow insitu uranium mine site on the agenda of September 27, 1995. Continued to December 6, 1995 and extend comment period until Jan 2, 1996 Wednesday, September 27, 1995 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12118 N. Interstate 35 Item carried forward from Agenda of August 23, 1995. Item 2. Docket No. 95-1193-UIC. Consideration of an application by INTERCONTINENTAL ENERGY CORPORATION for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 1 under existing Permit No. UR02108-011 at its Zamzow in situ uranium mine site. The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for sodium, carbonate, bicarbonate, fluorite, pH, conductivity, alkalinity, arsenic, uranium, molybdenum, ammonia and radium-226. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. Intercontinental Energy Corporation has met the following criteria set forth in 30 TAC 331.107(f)(2) for an amendment to restoration table values: a) reasonable efforts have been taken by the company to restore the aquifer; b) the formation water in the aquifer is suitable for any use to which it was suitable prior to mining; and c) further restoration efforts would consume energy, water, or other natural resources of the state without providing a corresponding benefit to the state. The Zamzow site is approximately eight (8) miles east of Three Rivers, Texas in southern Live Oak County. The production zone is in the Oakville Sand at a depth of 135 to 225 feet or approximately 65 to 130 feet below sea level. (John Santos) Approve, BM/RM Item carried forward from Agenda of August 30, 1995. Item 3. Docket No. 95-1252-UIC. Consideration of an application by USX CORPORATION for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 4 under existing Permit No. UR01890-041 at its Moser in situ uranium mine site. The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for arsenic, calcium, cadmium, iron, lead, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, uranium, TDS, alkalinity, bicarbonate, fluoride, sulfate, and radium-226. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. USX Corporation has met the following criteria set forth in 30 TAC 331.107(f)(2) for an amendment to restoration table values: a) reasonable efforts have been taken by the company to restore the aquifer; b) the formation water in the aquifer is suitable for any use to which it was suitable prior to mining; and c) further restoration efforts would consume energy, water, or other natural resources of the state without providing a corresponding benefit to the state. The Moser site is in Live Oak County approximately 10 miles southwest of George West, Texas and 50 miles northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas. The production zone is in the Lower Oakville Formation at a depth of approximately 230 to 280 feet. (John Santos) Remand to Staff for 6 Months Wednesday, August 23, 1995 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Room 201S, Bldg E. 12118 N. Interstate 35 UNCONTESTED (Underground Injection Control Permits) Item 11. Docket No. 95-1191-UIC. Consideration of an application by EVEREST EXPLORATION, INC. for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 6 under existing Permit No. UR02381-061 at its Mt. Lucas in situ uranium mine site. The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, fluorite, TDS, alkalinity, arsenic, manganese, selenium, uranium, molybdenum and radium-226. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. Everest Exploration, Inc. has met the following criteria set forth in 30 TAC 331.107(f)(2) for an amendment to restoration table values: a) reasonable efforts have been taken by the company to restore the aquifer; b) the formation water in the aquifer is suitable for any use to which it was suitable prior to mining; and c) further restoration efforts would consume energy, water, or other natural resources of the state without providing a corresponding benefit to the state. The Mt. Lucas site is approximately 35 miles northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas in southern Live Oak County. The production zone is in the Goliad Formation at a depth of 540 to 640 feet or approximately 340 to 440 feet below mean sea level. (John Santos) Continued to August 30, 95 Item 12. Docket No. 95-1192-UIC. Consideration of an application by EVEREST EXPLORATION, INC. for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 8 under existing Permit No. UR02381-081 at its Mt. Lucas in situ uranium mine site. The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, fluorite, alkalinity, arsenic, manganese, uranium, molybdenum and radium-226. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. Everest Exploration, Inc. has met the following criteria set forth in 30 TAC 331.107(f)(2) for an amendment to restoration table values: a) reasonable efforts have been taken by the company to restore the aquifer; b) the formation water in the aquifer is suitable for any use to which it was suitable prior to mining; and c) further restoration efforts would consume energy, water, or other natural resources of the state without providing a corresponding benefit to the state. The Mt. Lucas site is approximately 35 miles northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas in southern Live Oak County. The production zone is in the Goliad Formation at a depth of approximately 525 feet. (John Santos) Continued to August 30, 95 Item 13. Docket No. 95-1193-UIC. Consideration of an application by INTERCONTINENTAL ENERGY CORPORATION for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 1 under existing Permit No. UR02108-011 at its Zamzow in situ uranium mine site. The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for sodium, carbonate, bicarbonate, fluorite, pH, conductivity, alkalinity, arsenic, uranium, molybdenum, ammonia and radium-226. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. Intercontinental Energy Corporation has met the following criteria set forth in 30 TAC 331.107(f)(2) for an amendment to restoration table values: a) reasonable efforts have been taken by the company to restore the aquifer; b) the formation water in the aquifer is suitable for any use to which it was suitable prior to mining; and c) further restoration efforts would consume energy, water, or other natural resources of the state without providing a corresponding benefit to the state. The Zamzow site is approximately eight (8) miles east of Three Rivers, Texas in southern Live Oak County. The production zone is in the Oakville Sand at a depth of 135 to 225 feet or approximately 65 to 130 feet below sea level. (John Santos) CONTESTED AGENDA Wednesday, June 14, 1995 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9:30 a.m. Bldg E. Room 201S 12118 N. Interstate 35 UNCONTESTED (Underground Injection Control Permit) Item 4. Docket No. 95-0877-UIC. Consideration of an application by CHEVRON U.S.A., INC., DBA CHEVRON RESOURCES COMPANY for an amendment to the production area authorization for Production Area No. 1 under existing Permit No. UR02051-011 at its Palangana in situ uranium mine site. The proposed amendment would revise restoration values for conductivity, ammonia, molybdenum, radium-226 and alkalinity. The proposed values will not change the use category of the water. Prior to mining, the water in the production area was used for livestock. Chevron Resources Company has met the following criteria set forth in 30 TAC 331.107(f)(2) for an amendment to restoration table values: a) reasonable efforts have been taken by the company to restore the aquifer; b) the formation water in the aquifer is suitable for any use to which it was suitable prior to mining; and c) further restoration efforts would consume energy, water, or other natural resources of the state without providing a corresponding benefit to the state. The Palangana site is approximately 5.4 miles north of Benavides, and .6 mile west of Farm Road 3196, in Duval County. Texas. The production zone is in the Goliad Formation at a depth of 230 to 390 feet below land surface. (Lisa Roberts) Approved, PR/RM
After in-situ uranium leaching, ground water cannot be returned to the way it was - Nuclear Regulatory Commission official and uranium mining executive acknowledge restoration of aquifer to baseline is unachievable - Posted September 3, 2008
A recent example of an ISL uranium mine where aquifer restoration could not bring water quality back to baseline for all parameters, including selenium, uranium, and radium-226:
Thirty-two Texas ISL mines that failed to restore aquifers to baseline for all parameters:
As uranium mines closed, state altered cleanup goals - Dan Kelley
Corpus-Christi Caller-Times - November 5, 2006
New Colorado law that requires ISL mines to "restore all affected ground water to its premining quality for all constituents" or to the most stringent Colorado ground water quality criteria:
Full text of HB-1161 - May 2, 2008