Updated March 6, 2011
How much (or little) does Powertech care about the groundwater used by Weld County residents, farmers, and ranchers? This is a photo of a broken well casing left unsealed for several days by Powertech at the northeast corner of Weld County Roads 96 and 19. (Photo taken July 15, 2007.)
Powertech mud pit containing contaminated water and drill cuttings. The unfenced pit is open to wildlife and domestic animals. Antelope Hill, Weld County, Colorado - August 2007.
The Future for Northern Colorado?
Radiation warning sign outside of Crow Butte in-situ leach uranium mining facility, located near Crawford, Nebraska. Crow Butte is owned by Cameco Corp., a Canadian company. Photo courtesy of the Lakota Media Project of Owe Aku.
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Pronghorn antelope
two miles east of potential open pit uranium mine, Weld County,
Colorado. Photo: J. Woodward - June, 2007.
Powertech contractor drilling exploration borehole east of Weld County Road 17 and north of Weld County Road 106. The Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety approved Powertech's new exploration drilling program on August 27. Note the friendly signage, including the small green sign with the fictitious domain name and advice to "find truth in the facts". Does that include facts such as aquifer restoration data from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality showing 17 in-situ leach uranium mines that were unable to clean up elevated levels of uranium in the ground water? Photo taken August 27, 2008 courtesy of H. Mike Williams.
Powertech drilling rig at northwest corner of Weld County Roads 19 and 106. The drilling contractor is Davis Drilling from Gillette, Wyoming.
Powertech land - Weld County Road 21 (Section 15)
Powertech wellhead on Weld County Rd. 96 just west of County Rd. 23. Note the lack of any barrier protecting the well from vehicle traffic.
Another local business opposes uranium mining in northern Colorado. Northern Colorado Feeders Supply, located in Fort Collins, is only eleven miles southwest of a potential open pit uranium mine.
Conoco's Trevino in situ leach processing plant and evaporation ponds - Hebbronville, Texas, 1982 (click for larger image)
Sign on State Highway 392 - Windsor, Colorado. This business is 12 miles due south of the southern mining area. Powertech has not ruled out using open pit mining for this area. The uranium ore is above the water table, so typical in situ leaching methods are problematic. Powertech has suggested using a "modified in situ" process involving flooding the mine area. (Photo: Lilias Jarding)
Sign near the Goliad ISL site - Weesatche, Texas. Uranium Energy Corp, a junior mining company with administrative offices in Canada, is attempting to permit the Goliad Project and faces stiff local opposition.
Kingsville Dome ISL uranium mine and processing plant - Kleberg County, Texas - Uranium Resources, Inc.
ISL injection well at Kingsville Dome mine, Kleberg County, Texas operated by Uranium Resources, Inc. (Photo: Rebecca Boyle - Fort Collins Now)
In-situ leach wellfield under construction by Power Resources, Inc., presumably in Wyoming. Wells appear to be spaced roughly 30-50 feet apart. It is unknown if the hydrogeologic conditions in the Centennial/Indian Springs project area would require such close spacing of wells.
Mud pit at Powertech drilling site. Southwest corner of Weld County roads 21 and 110, just northeast of Antelope Hill. Photo taken September 15, 2007. (Large photo)
Powertech's attempt to win the hearts and minds of Weld County landowners.