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Email from Ronald Cattany, DRMS Director to Jim Woodward - June 8, 2007



From: Cattany, Ron [mailto:Ron.Cattany@state.co.us]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 12:49 PM
To: Jim Woodward
Cc: cheryl.linden@state.co.us; tanya.light@state.co.us; Berry, David; Mount, Carl; King, Mike; Stanton, Irene
Subject: RE: CORA request 5/25/07 DRMS/Powertech


Dear Mr. Woodward,


Thank you for your June 5, 2007 CORA request.  To answer your most recent request, Carl B. Mount, Senior Environmental Protection Specialist at the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, received the telephone call you reference in your CORA request.  He did not take notes of the conversation.


In response to your second request, we have a prepared the affidavit you requested.  We will fax a notarized copy to you today, and will send you the original in the mail.




Ronald W. Cattany, Director

Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety

June 8, 2007